Licences (Various)

Building Licences

A licence is needed for virtually all building work on the outside of your house, its perimeter walls and garden hard landscaping. The saying is that if you have to open a bag of cement then you need a licence. There will also be tax payable depending on the cost of the work. If you attend the Town Halls they will give you the forms and sometimes help you fill them in.

The Law and what it says..

Ley 7/2002 de 17 de diciembre de Ordenación Urbanística de Andalucía (LOUA)
Articulo 169.
Actos sujetos a licencia urbanística municipal.

  • 1a. Las obras de construcción, edificación e implantación de instalaciones de toda clase y cualquiera que sea su uso, definitivas o provisionales, sean de nueva planta o de ampliación, así como las de modificación o reforma, cuando afecten a la estructura, la disposición Interior o el aspecto exterior, y las de demolición de las existentes, salvo el supuesto de ruina física inminente.
  • 1a. The works of construction, building and installation of all kinds and whatever its use, permanent or temporary, whether of new plant or expansion, as well as modification or reform, when they affect the structure, the interior layout or exterior appearance, and demolition of existing buildings, unless suspected of imminent physical ruin.

Dog Licences

Normal pet dogs do not need a licence but they should be registered at the Town Hall and will need copies of relevant parts of the pet health book.

Dangerous dogs - Special licences are needed. Breeds classed here are Rotweilers, Pit Bull, US and UK Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Tosa Inu and Akita Inu dogs. Some cross breeds also are classed as dangerous. It is a complicated procedure to get a dangerous dog licence and you need to talk to your vet.