Welcome to Age Support Almanzora
We are a registered charity established to cover the Almanzora Valley area including Albanchez, Albox, Arboleas, Cantoria, Partaloa and Zurgena.
Our aim is to improve the quality of life for older people by providing emotional and practical support.
Our services are completely confidential and provided entirely by volunteers. We may be able to provide you with support:
- If you are living alone or feeling isolated and finding it difficult to cope.
- If you would like one of our Volunteer Befrienders to visit or ring you on a regular basis for a chat.
- If you need advice about UK benefits entitlement.
- If you have lost a loved one and think you may benefit from talking to someone about how you feel.
Please note that all our services are provided free of charge.
Information Centre
Avenida Le Panto
Our help desk, next to the English Library, is open Tuesday to Friday from 10am until 2pm read more.
Shop & Postal Address
Placeta Padre Arias 26
We share the small square in Arboleas with the baker and Julie at Farrows Hair Design. Map

All jobs in Age Support are unpaid - we rely solely on volunteers who give freely of their time.
To volunteer, and we await your call, ring 634 316 573 to find out more.
Inexperienced? Do not worry as training is given. More Info.